My name is Dr. James E. McGinley. I have a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and I have been a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC) since 2004. I am also a certified Life Coach. I am an adjunct professor and I have taught counseling psychology at major U.S. universities for over 14 years. I am from the United States, but I have traveled widely and I have a deep interest in the personal challenges we face in life, in coping, and in thriving - especially in cross-cultural environments. My interest is in applied psychology, whether at work, as a part of a team, in our personal lives and in our relationships with others, or when we face adversity in life – whether from stress, addiction, or exposure to crisis. I am fortunate to have been trained in Positive Psychology by some of the leading researchers in the field, including Dr. Martin Seligman, the originator of Learned Helplessness Theory and one of the founders of Positive Psychology; Dr. Angela Duckworth, author of the best-selling book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance; and Dr. Barbara Frederickson, originator of the Broaden and Build Theory of Positive Emotions. I am the author of several books on addiction, stress, and coping, including: My COVID Self-care Workbook: How to cope effectively during troubled times; Alcohol Abuse Resistance Training for Expatriates: A Self-care Guide for Assessing Risk and Building Resiliency; My Stress Management Workbook: 12 Strategies That Will Transform Your Life; and, Mastering Cross-cultural Relationships: A Self-assessment Workbook for Understanding Culture and Resolving Conflict.