Do Not Waste Your Life While Wasting Your Time

Our lives are too short to be careless.

James E. McGinley, PhD
2 min readJul 20, 2022
Clock on a wall.
Photo by Holafabiola on Pexels

I am not a book junkie, but I do love to read. I especially like books that whisper philosophy in our ears and help us see it in our everyday lives.

I am sometimes surprised, and sometimes not, to find many ideas that we might think are modern or contemporary have ancient cousins. It is always a bit of coincidence and serendipity when their paths cross.

It happened to me just today.

I was reading and thinking on the finitude of life. I came across this quote by Victor Hugo. Victor Hugo was a famous French novelist and writer in the 19th century. The quote did not have a source but it is reasonable that he said it. The quote was this:

As short as life is, we make it shorter by the careless waste of time. — Victor Hugo

It makes a good point. We only have so much time. Yet, our time expands when used well and collapses when not used well.

It also reminds us that we have to pay attention and participate in our own lives. If we are inattentive and careless, we are shortening our opportunities without even thinking about. It may come back later, or when we are near death, as a deep regret.



James E. McGinley, PhD

James McGinley, PhD is a professor, author, certified life coach, and licensed counselor.